Mike is the ficticious player for this example. Mike is not that advanced so he will be playing with the optional Ball-In-Hand rule. The image below illustrates Mike's score card after the events in this example.
1. Mike racks 10 Balls and breaks sinking 1 ball on the break. He then proceeds to run 5 more balls before missing. Mike writes a 6 in the first possition of the first frame on his score card. He then moves the cue ball for an optimal shot and proceeds to run the remaining 4 balls. He then marks a spare (/) in the 2nd attempt box of the first frame. The total score area at the bottom of the first frame is left blank at this time because of the spare Mike has to add his next attempt to 10 and that will be the total for the first frame.
2. Mike racks all 10 balls again and this time he didn't make any balls on the break (this doesn't count against him). He moves the cue ball into an optimal position and ran 5 balls before missing. Mike writes a 5 in the first attempt space of frame 2 and puts 15 in the total score area at the bottom of frame 1. Mike then moves the cue ball and proceeds to run the remaining 5 balls. He then marks another spare (/) in the 2nd attempt box of frame 2.
3. Mike racks all 10 balls again and this time he pockets 1 ball on the break and scratches (cue ball went in the side pocket). Mike puts a 0 in the first attempt area of frame 3. Then he places the cue ball in the center of the tanle for a shot in the side pocket and continues to run 7 balls. Mike writes an 8 in the second attempt area of frame 3. He then calculates a total score of 25 for frame 2 and 33 for frame 3.
4. Mike has an amazing 4th frame. He makes 2 on the break and proceeds to run out the remaining 8 balls after the initial ball in hand. He marks the second attempt box with an (X) to indicate a strike. The total is not known at this time.
5. Mike starts the 5th frame by makeing 2 on the break and running 4 more before just missing a ball in the corner. He marks the 6 points in the first attempt area of frame 5. With ball in hand at the start of his second attempt he continued to run the remaining 4 balls. After marking the spare in the 2nd attempt box of frame 5 Mike writes in the total score for frame 4 of 53 (10 for the strike plus 10 for the next 2 attempts. Because he got a spare he gets one my attempt to get as many points as possible. He then brakes and makes 1 ball on the break and run only 4 balls. 5 is written in the 3rd attempt box in frame 5 and total score is 68.
You can handycap players by spotting less advanced players a few points or a strike in a frame. Also the optional rules are great to balance out the level of play.